
map of australia

Map courtesy of ITA's Quick Maps. Used with permission.

Australia is a vast and ancient land, sparsely populated and with huge distances separating its comparatively few cities. Although Australia is ringed with cities which are among the most modern and prosperous in the world, in its central reaches, known as the "outback", you will find some of the oldest rocks on earth. These rocks were formed when the crust of our planet was in its infancy and contain tiny mineral grains that are 4,300 million years old (the oldest know objects in the world!)

Australia is located in the Oceania. She is an island continent between the Indian and the South Pacific Oceans, whose landscapes, plants and animals have developed in unique ways since it was cut off from other landmasses.

Even though Australia is the world's smallest Continent she is the 6th largest country.
Her total area is 7,686,850 sq km and the total land area is 7,617,930 sq km with a coastline of 25,760 km.
Australia is only slightly smaller than the whole of the United States.

Here is an example, so you can understand the vastness and huge distances separating Australia's Cities, the distance between Perth and the next major city, Adelaide, is greater than the distance from London to Moscow! While some of Australia's cattle stations, such as the 12,000 square mile Anna Creek Station in South Australia, are the largest in the world!

The lowest point of Australia is Lake Eyre which is 15 metres with the highest point being Mount Kosciusko at 2,229 metres.

In 1996 the population of Australia was estimated at 18,260,863 with the most populated areas being the eastern and southeastern coasts.
Australia is made up of 6 States and 2 Territories being:......

The 2 Territories
  • Australian Capital Territory
  • Northern Territory

The 6 States

  • New South Wales
  • Western Australia
  • South Australia
  • Queensland
  • Tasmania
  • Victoria

Visit DoAustralia.com for some quick facts about Australia



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